IMPORTANT: If you reside in the United States, the Google Pay terms of service applicable to you are here. 

Google Pay 服務條款


上次修訂日期:2019 年 1 月 14 日


Google Pay 係由 Google 提供之服務。使用 Google Pay 時,您必須遵守《Google 服務條款》(以下稱Google 服務條款》)。Google Pay 屬於《Google 服務條款》所定義的「服務」,而本《Google 服務條款》則為用於規範 Google Pay 使用行為之附加條款。您使用 Google Pay 時須受 《Google Pay 服務條款》和《Google 服務條款》(兩項條款均符合《Google Pay 服務條款》,統稱為「條款」) 以及《Google 隱私權政策》約束。

如果《Google Pay 服務條款》和《Google 服務條款》之間有所牴觸,應以《Google Pay 服務條款》為準。本條款之英文版若與其他翻譯版本有所出入,一律以英文版內容為準。

Google Pay 中有某些功能原屬於「Android Pay」服務的一部分。儘管您在商店或應用程式和網站上仍可能會看到提及 Android Pay 的舊版內容,但其相關功能一律必須遵守相關「條款」。

若您在 Google 的任一獨資子公司 (例如 Google Payment Corp. 或 Google Payment Ltd.) 已註冊 Google 付款帳戶,您在該帳戶中儲存的卡片可能會顯示在某些含有 Google Pay 品牌字樣的內容中,但在這類情況下,使用卡片時仍須遵守您的 Google 付款帳戶適用的《Google Payments 買家服務條款》以及《Google Payments 隱私權聲明》。如要參閱您的所在地區適用的《Google Payments 買家服務條款》,請前往這個頁面。詳情請參閱第 2 節「Google Pay 一般資訊」。

您必須同意本條款之規定,方可使用 Google Pay,故請務必詳閱條款內容。某些產品和功能僅適用於部分國家/地區。詳情請參閱 Google Pay >說明中心

二、Google Pay 一般資訊

當您透過 Google Pay 進行付款交易時,可以使用銀行核發的虛擬帳號 (以下稱「虛擬帳號」,此帳號將代表您在 Google Pay 中登錄的信用卡或簽帳金融卡) 付款,以及使用您在 Google Pay 中登錄的運輸公司票卡 (以下稱「交通票證」) 付款;如要啟用額外的付款功能,您亦可使用您在 Google 之外的其他公司登錄並連結 Google Pay 的數位錢包或帳戶 (以下稱「連結的第三方帳戶」) 付款。您可以透過下列方式使用「虛擬帳號」、「交通票證」和「連結的第三方帳戶」(統稱「付款方式」) 進行付款交易:(i) 使用具備 NFC 功能且符合相關使用條件的行動裝置 (這類裝置可能包含符合相關使用條件的 Android Wear 裝置) 以及您行動裝置上的 Google Pay 應用程式或 Android 裝置設定中的 Google Pay 功能,在合作的商家或運輸地點進行付款交易,或 (ii) 透過特定的商家應用程式、網站及其他介面,在網路上進行付款交易。當您設定虛擬帳號時,Google Pay 可能會將實際的卡號儲存在您的 Google 付款帳戶中,方便您在 Google Play 和其他地方購物時用於付款。若您要求將您的 Google 付款帳戶中的資訊提供給第三方商家,Google Pay 可能會按照您的要求行事,方便這類商家透過您指定的付款方式收費,並為您提供商品與服務。

Google Pay 亦可讓您儲存和使用其他項目 (以下稱Save to Google Pay Item),包括優惠券、優待券、折扣或可在合作商家兌換的其他類似內容 (統稱「優惠」);您透過 Google Pay 已註冊或可能新註冊的會員資格方案、專屬計劃或獎勵活動 (統稱「會員方案」);用於交通、娛樂和其他用途的票券或票證;以及可於特定的商家門市或團體商店兌換的儲值卡 (即封閉式儲值卡)。Google Pay 可能會提供與 Save to Google Pay Item 掃描、儲存、顯示資訊、狀態資訊,和/或兌換相關的服務,包括顯示會員積點和儲值卡餘額、訂單追蹤及貨品交付最新資訊。Save to Google Pay Item 可由您自行新增到支援的行動裝置,也可以在您同意的前提下由商家或第三方推送到支援的行動裝置。您也可以透過 Save to Google Pay Item 直接接收合作商家傳送的通訊消息,在特定情況下還能累積和/或兌換該商家提供的會員獎勵活動積點與其他獎勵。

您在 Google 付款帳戶中儲存的付款卡與您在 Google Pay 中註冊的任何「虛擬帳號」並不相同。一般情況下,您不會在與實際卡片相關的圖片中看到您儲存至 Google 付款帳戶的卡片真實號碼。不過有時候,在顯示 Google Pay 品牌的部分內容中,您仍可能看到這類卡片的資訊,例如當您在 Google 應用程式或網站上 (例如 Google Play 或 YouTube) 或是在第三方商家的應用程式或網站上進行付款交易時、使用 Google 助理時,或使用 Google Chrome 瀏覽器的自動填入功能時。在這些用途中,您都必須遵守您的 Google 付款帳戶適用的《Google Payments 買家服務條款》。另外提醒您,在英國,點對點的「發送交易」可能也會顯示 Google Pay 品牌名稱,而且使用相關服務時須遵守《>Google Payments 買家服務條款 (英國版)》。

三、使用 Google Pay

(a) 年齡限制。 您必須年滿 16 歲才能使用 Google Pay。如果您的年齡介於 16 至 18 歲 (若您所在國家/地區的法定年齡更大,則以該年齡為準),則必須取得家長或法定監護人的許可,才能使用 Google Pay 及接受「條款」。

(b) 基本使用需求。 如要使用 Google Pay,您必須擁有 Google 帳戶、符合「服務」系統和相容性需求的裝置 (系統和相容性需求可能隨時變更)、暢通的網際網路連線,以及相容軟體。這些因素皆可能影響 Google Pay 以及 Google Pay 之使用效能。請自行確認您的軟硬體設備符合上述系統需求。

(c) 開始使用。 您可以透過行動裝置上的 Google Pay 應用程式、Android 裝置設定中的 Google Pay 功能,或是您發卡銀行的應用程式完成 Google Pay 設定。在您提供必要資訊並嘗試新增付款方式到 Google Pay 之後,Google Pay 就會確認該付款方式的發卡機構目前是否支援 Google Pay,以及付款卡本身能否搭配 Google Pay 使用。發卡機構即使與我方合作,亦不代表其所發行的所有卡片均可使用。如果您的付款方式發卡機構目前不支援 Google Pay,或付款方式無法新增至 Google Pay,當您的付款方式獲得支援時,Google 可能會透過電子郵件通知您。如果您的付款方式發卡機構支援 Google Pay,且付款方式符合相關條件,那麼當您新增該項付款方式時,系統就會顯示畫面要求您接受發卡機構的條款及細則。當您完成相關步驟並成功新增付款方式後,Google Pay 會儲存一組代表您付款卡實際卡號的「虛擬帳號」,或將您的「交通票證」或「連結的第三方帳戶」與 Google Pay 建立關聯。日後凡是於實體門市透過 Google Pay 進行付款交易,系統將一律使用該組「虛擬帳號」。如果是線上商家的付款交易,除非您的「連結的第三方帳戶」另有規定,否則 Google Pay 會利用這組帳號或要求系統另外產生一組不重複的帳號,並將該帳號傳送給商家,用來代表您已註冊的付款方式。

Google Pay 及其各項功能可能僅限在特定地區使用,且需搭配特定付款方式、發卡機構或商家才能使用。這類地區、付款方式、發卡機構與商家隨時可能變動。

(d) 您對 Google Pay 的使用行為。 您透過特定付款方式使用 Google Pay 時,須受相關「條款」及付款方式發卡機構或 Save to Google Pay Item 之適用條款和隱私權政策所規範。相關「條款」中的任何規定均不影響前述發卡機構的條款或隱私權政策。如果「條款」與您發卡機構的條款有所牴觸,「條款」會針對 Google Pay 規範您與 Google 之間的關係,而您的發卡機構條款則會規範您與發卡機構之間的關係。您瞭解 Google Pay 可能會接收由付款方式發卡機構提供的交易資訊,以便在 Google Pay 中顯示格式完整的交易詳情和近期交易記錄。您同意不為非法或詐欺目的或以其他違反適用法律及規範之方式使用 Google Pay。您同意不以直接或間接方式干擾、中斷或濫用 Google Pay 服務,包括本服務的相關伺服器、網路或其他基礎架構。您同意僅以本人的信用卡或簽帳金融卡或第三方帳戶以私人用途使用 Google Pay。如果您透過符合規範的公司商務卡使用 Google Pay,您同意此舉已獲得雇主授權,且您有能力使雇主受相關「條款」所規範。

發生下列任一種情形時,系統可能會從相關裝置上的 Google Pay 中移除特定的付款方式,導致該付款方式無法用於本「服務」:(i) 您從 Google Pay 中刪除付款方式;(ii) 您從自己的 Google 付款帳戶中刪除付款方式,或從自己的 Google 帳戶中移除該付款方式;(iii) 您使用 Android 裝置管理員清除您的行動裝置;(iv) 您刪除自己的 Google 帳戶;(v) 您的行動裝置連續 90 天未能連線到任何 Google 產品或服務;(vi) 您連續 12 個月未在裝置上使用 Google Pay;和/或 (vii) 您的付款方式發卡機構或付款網路指示 Google 從 Google Pay 中移除該付款方式。

(e) Google 的角色。 雖然 Google Pay 可讓您儲存付款方式,並將相關資訊傳送給商家或交通服務供應商,但 Google 不會以該等付款方式處理 Google Pay 的付款交易。此外,Google 亦不監控付款卡、款項、付款、退款、扣款,以及在 Google Pay 提供 (或增加) 付款方式、為付款方式儲值或其他與使用 Google Pay 相關商業活動的適用性及準確性。如對上述事宜有任何疑慮,請聯絡您的付款方式發卡機構。您瞭解並同意,透過 Google Pay 進行的交易純屬您與商家間的交易,與 Google 或其關聯企業並無任何交易關係。如對透過 Google Pay 進行的付款交易有任何爭議,請聯絡您的付款方式發卡機構或相關商家。就您已註冊的付款方式,Google 不屬於相關持卡人協議或其他使用條款的當事人,也不涉及核發信用或判定是否符合取得信用的資格。對於您的任何付款方式是否信譽良好,或在您使用 Google Pay 進行交易時,您的付款方式發卡機構是否授權或核准您和商家或交通服務供應商之間的交易,Google 不做任何聲明或驗證。

(f) 日本電子貨幣卡片。 除信用卡和簽帳金融卡外,日本的使用者也可透過 Google Pay 應用程式來新增及管理電子貨幣卡片 (以下稱「日本電子貨幣卡片」;這類卡片僅限於日本使用,亦屬於相關「條款」定義下的「付款方式」)。日本電子貨幣卡片和相關款項皆儲存在您行動裝置的安全元件中 (但並不像信用卡和簽帳金融卡一樣以虛擬帳號的方式來儲存),而且僅能用在備有相容讀卡機的實體商家,或者需使用外接讀卡機的特定線上商家。請參閱「條款」的其他內容,瞭解透過 Google Pay 使用日本電子貨幣卡片時的相關規定。

四、Save to Google Pay

(a) Save to Google Pay Item Save to Google Pay Item 中的資料、圖片和訊息皆由提供此類服務的第三方商家自行負責管理及更新。Save to Google Pay Item 資料可能會顯示在 Google 網站或行動應用程式、合作的第三方網站或行動應用程式、Google Pay 應用程式,或是在商家的實體店面中。如果您在網路上或 Android 裝置中登入自己的 Google 帳戶,就能選擇和儲存要顯示在 Google Pay 中的 Save to Google Pay Item,方便向合作商家進行兌換。商家可透過 Google Pay 向已儲存 Save to Google Pay Item 的使用者顯示儲值卡、會員積點或其他項目的結餘。商家在獲得您的同意之後,可以透過 Google Pay 要求我們提供您的註冊資訊,以便將您納入會員方案。Save to Google Pay 功能不得用於儲存付款卡或開放式儲值卡 (即卡片背面附有相關網路標誌的預付儲值卡,在多數商家處所均可使用)。

(b) Save to Google Pay Item 使用須知。 選擇向合作商家兌換 Save to Google Pay Item,即表示您授權將特定可兌換項目的資訊移轉給該商家,以利進行兌換作業。商家可根據該項目的條款及細則規定 (如適用),斟酌處理 Save to Google Pay Item 的兌換作業。如果您對於特定 Save to Google Pay Item 的兌換程序有任何疑問,請直接與該商家聯絡。

(c) Google 的角色。 您藉由兌換 Save to Google Pay Item 而購買產品之行為,純屬您與商家間的交易,與 Google 或其關聯企業並無任何交易關係。對於您購買產品或兌換 Save to Google Pay Item 之行為,Google 並不具備當事人身分。對於商家會員方案、儲值卡方案、餘額、優惠、獎勵或其他 Save to Google Pay Item 的正確性、安全性、可否兌換或正常使用,Google 概不保證或負責。對於商家因「會員方案」之註冊或管理事務,或封閉式儲值卡之購買和兌換事宜而造成的錯誤或疏漏,或第三方商家系統或程序中的安全性漏洞,Google 概不承擔任何責任。

(d) 商家通訊。 選擇將 Save to Google Pay Item 儲存到 Google 付款帳戶,即表示您已事先明確同意透過 Google Pay 接收第三方商家直接寄送給您的通訊。Google 不會代為製作或管理由商家寄送給您的內容。您隨時可以從 Google Pay 中移除 Save to Google Pay Item,如此就能停止透過 Google Pay 接收商家通訊。移除特定 Save to Google Pay Item 將移除該商家透過 Google Pay 寄送給您的所有通訊,但您與該商家間的「會員方案」仍然有效,且該商家也會透過 Google Pay 以外的管道持續寄送相關通訊給您。如要完全終止「會員方案」,您必須直接與特定商家聯絡。

(e) Save to Google Pay Item 中的使用者圖片。 您可以利用裝置的相機為 Save to Google Pay Item 新增個人圖片或其他圖片。在掃描及儲存要使用的圖片時,請多加留意並運用常識判斷行為是否妥當。對於使用者為 Save to Google Pay Item 新增的圖片 (包括可辨識個人身分的資訊或其他機密資訊),以及因掃描或儲存圖片而造成的錯誤,Google 概不承擔任何責任。如果您新增非法、令人反感、有害或其他不當圖片,Google 可全權決定暫停您使用 Google Pay 服務的權限。


(a) Google 可以分享的資訊。 為方便 Google 提供 Google Pay 服務,您允許 Google 向應用程式和網站透露您已完成 Google Pay 設定,並將您的裝置、付款資料、位置和帳戶資訊提供給您的付款方式發行機構和付款網路。如果因處理您的交易所需,您也允許 Google 將您的個人資訊分享給商家、付款處理方及其他第三方。

(b) Google 可以收集的資訊。 為協助 Google 提供更優質的 Google Pay 服務,您同意 Google 收集第三方 (包含商家與您的付款方式發卡機構) 所提供的交易、帳戶及其他個人資訊。

Google Pay Terms of Service

(for US users)

Last modified: May 21, 2018

1. Introduction

Google Pay is a service provided by Google Payment Corp. ("GPC", "we", or "us"), and is subject to the Google Payments Terms of Service ("Google Payments ToS") and Google Payments Privacy Notice. Google Pay is a "Service" as defined in the Google Payments ToS, and the following Google Pay Terms of Service are additional terms which apply to the use of Google Pay. Your use of Google Pay is subject to these Google Pay Terms of Service and the Google Payments ToS (which together, for purposes of these Google Pay Terms of Service, we refer to as the "Terms").

If there is any conflict between the Google Pay Terms of Service and the Google Payments ToS, the Google Pay Terms of Service shall prevail. Capitalized terms not defined in these Google Pay Terms of Service have the meanings given to them in the Google Payments Terms of Service.

Certain Google Pay features were previously branded "Android Pay." While you may continue to see legacy references to Android Pay in stores or on apps and websites, those features are subject to these Terms.

Cards saved to your Google Payments Account may also be presented to you in certain contexts under the Google Pay brand, but their use in those contexts will remain subject to applicable provisions of the Google Payments Terms of Service. See Section 2, "General Description of Google Pay," for more details.

Your use of Google Pay requires that you agree to the following terms. Please read them carefully. Some products and features may not be available in all countries. Please see the Google Pay Help Center for more information.

2. General Description of Google Pay

Google Pay allows you to transact using a Virtual Account Number, transit agency pass you register with Google Pay ("Transit Pass"), or Linked Third-Party Account (collectively, "Payment Instruments"): (i) at participating merchant or transit locations, using an eligible NFC mobile device (which may include an eligible Android Wear device) and either the Google Pay application that resides on your mobile device or the Google Pay functionality in your Android device's settings, or (ii) online through certain merchant apps, websites, and other interfaces (Transit Passes excluded). When you set up a Virtual Account Number, Google Pay may also store the actual number of the underlying card in your Google Payments Account, on GPC's servers, for purchases on Google Play and elsewhere. At your request, Google Pay may assist with providing information from your Google Payments account to third party merchants, so that such merchants can charge your payment instrument and deliver goods and services to you. 

Google Pay may also enable you to store and access Offers, Loyalty Programs, rewards, gift cards, tickets or passes for purposes like travel and entertainment, and other items stored as Save to Google Pay Items. Google Pay and its various features may only be available for use in certain regions, with certain cards or card-issuing banks, or with certain merchants. Such regions, cards, banks, and merchants are subject to change at any time.

Payment cards saved to your Google Payments Account are distinct from any Virtual Account Numbers you registered with Google Pay. Unlike a Virtual Account Number, a card saved to your Google Payments account will generally not be presented to you with card art resembling the associated physical card. Such a card may nevertheless be presented to you under the Google Pay brand in certain contexts, including when making a payment transaction on a Google app or website (e.g., Google Play or YouTube), on a third-party merchant's app or website, using the Google Assistant, or using the Google Chrome browser's Autofill feature. Such uses are subject to applicable provisions of the Google Payments Terms of Service.

3. Using Google Pay

(a) Getting Started. You must have a Google Account to use Google Pay. You may set up the Service using either the Google Pay application that resides on your mobile device, the Google Pay functionality in your Android device's settings, or via your Payment Instrument issuer's app. After you have provided the requested information and attempted to add a Payment Instrument to Google Pay, Google Pay will check both whether your Payment Instrument's issuer currently supports the Service and whether the card itself is eligible to be used with Google Pay. All of a participating issuer's cards may not be eligible. If your card's issuer does not currently support Google Pay or your card is not eligible to be added to Google Pay, GPC may alert you via email when your card becomes eligible. If your Payment Instrument's issuer supports Google Pay and your card is eligible, when adding it you will see a screen asking you to accept the issuer's terms and conditions. Once you have done so and successfully added the Payment Instrument, Google Pay will store a Virtual Account Number representing your card's actual card number, or associate your Transit Pass or Linked Third-Party Account with Google Pay. This Virtual Account Number will be used for all in-store payment transactions using Google Pay. For payment transactions involving online merchants, Google Pay will cause either this or another uniquely generated account number to be sent to the merchant, as a representation of your registered Payment Instrument, unless your Linked Third-Party Account provides otherwise.

(b) Use of Google Pay. Your use of Google Pay with a given Payment Instrument is governed by these Terms as well as the applicable terms and privacy policy from the issuer of your Payment Instrument or Save to Google Pay Item. Nothing in these Terms modifies such issuer terms or privacy policy. In the event of any inconsistency between these Terms and your issuer's terms, these Terms will govern the relationship between you and GPC with respect to Google Pay, and your issuer's terms will govern the relationship between you and the issuer. You acknowledge that Google Pay may receive information from your Payment Instrument's issuer to display richly formatted transaction details and your recent transaction history in Google Pay. You agree not to use Google Pay for unlawful or fraudulent purposes, or otherwise in violation of applicable law and regulation. You agree not to directly or indirectly interfere with, disrupt, or otherwise misuse the Google Pay Service, including any of its related servers, networks, or other infrastructure. You agree that Google Pay is for your personal use, with your own credit or debit cards, or third-party accounts. If you use Google Pay with an eligible corporate card, you agree that you are doing so with your employer's authorization and with the ability to bind your employer to these Terms.

A Payment Instrument may be removed from Google Pay and become unusable with the Service if: (i) you delete the Payment Instrument from Google Pay; (ii) you delete the Payment Instrument from your Google Payments account, or remove it as a payment method from your Google Account, (iii) you erase your mobile device using Android Device Manager; (iv) you delete your Google Account; (v) your mobile device fails to connect to any Google product or service for 90 consecutive days; (vi) you do not use Google Pay on the device for 12 consecutive months; and/or (vii) your card's issuing bank or payment network instructs Google to remove the card from Google Pay.

(c) GPC's Role. While Google Pay enables you to store your Payment Instruments and transmit their information to merchants or transit providers, neither GPC nor Google processes Google Pay transactions with such Payment Instruments, and neither exercises control over: the availability or accuracy of payment cards, payments, refunds, chargebacks; the provisioning (or addition) of cards to Google Pay; or other commercial activity relating to your use of Google Pay. For any concerns relating to the foregoing, please contact your Payment Instrument's issuer. You acknowledge and agree that your transactions through Google Pay are transactions between you and the merchant and not with GPC, Google, or any of their affiliates. For disputes relating to payment transactions conducted using Google Pay, contact your Payment Instrument's issuer or the appropriate merchant. Neither GPC nor Google is a party to your registered Payment Instruments' cardholder agreements or other terms of use, and neither is involved in issuing credit or determining eligibility for credit. GPC does not make any representation or verify that any of your Payment Instruments are in good standing or that the issuer of your Payment Instrument will authorize or approve any transaction with a merchant or transit provider when you use Google Pay in connection with that transaction.

4. Save to Google Pay

(a) Save to Google Pay Items can be stored by you in your Google Account, or pushed to your Google Account by a participating merchant with your consent, on the web or on an Android device. Save to Google Pay Items may consist of (but are not limited to) items such as Offers, Loyalty Program items, closed loop gift cards that can be redeemed at a specific merchant store or group of stores, and/or other items from third party merchants which you can add to your Google Account, and which may be redeemable for discounts or points from the third party merchant or issuer. The Save to Google Pay feature includes scanning, storage, manually and automatically updated gift card balance displays, loyalty points, status updates and more. Save to Google Pay Items contain data, images, and messages that are controlled and updated solely by the third party merchant who issues them. Save to Google Pay Items data may be presented to you on Google websites or mobile applications, participating third party websites or mobile applications, through the Google Pay application, or at a merchant's physical location. If you are logged in to your Google Account on the web or on an Android device, you may select and store a Save to Google Pay Item to appear in Google Pay for redemption with a participating merchant.

(b) Redemption of a Save to Google Pay Item. In order to redeem an item stored as a Save to Google Pay Item with a participating merchant, you may be asked to:

(i) permit the merchant to read the redeemable Save to Google Pay Item off the screen of the mobile device;

(ii) use Google Pay to redeem the Save to Google Pay Item in conjunction with a payment transaction; or

(iii) provide the promotion code or other code associated with the Save to Google Pay Item to the participating merchant upon such merchant's request.

By taking any of the foregoing actions, you authorize the information regarding the specific redeemable item stored as a Save to Google Pay Item to be transferred to the merchant for redemption. The redemption of the Save to Google Pay Item is processed by the merchant at its discretion, in accordance with the merchant's terms and conditions for that item, as applicable. If you have questions regarding redemption of a particular Save to Google Pay Item, please contact the merchant directly.

(c) Your purchases of Products and/or redemptions of Save to Google Pay Items are transactions between you as a Buyer and the merchant as the merchant, and not with GPC or any Google affiliates. GPC is not a party to your purchase of Products or redemption of Save to Google Pay Items.

5. Save to Google Pay Items; Limitations of Liability; Merchant Communications

Save to Google Pay Items and Save to Google Pay are intended for display, storage, and/or redemption of Offers, rewards, Loyalty Programs, closed loop gift cards, and other services such as viewing of loyalty points, manual and automatic gift card balance displays for users who have added a gift card, and status updates on an Android device. The Save to Google Pay API and Save to Google Pay feature are not intended for the storage of payment cards or open loop gift cards, which are prepaid gift cards with network logos on the back of the card that can be used at most merchant locations.

(a) By saving Save to Google Pay Items into your Google Account, you agree you are providing your prior express consent to receive communications from a third party merchant directly to you through Google Pay. Google does not create or control the content sent by the merchant to you. You may remove the Save to Google Pay Items from Google Pay at any time to stop receiving merchant communications through Google Pay. Removal of a particular Save to Google Pay Item will remove all communications sent by that merchant to you through Google Pay, but will not discontinue your Loyalty Program with that merchant or discontinue your communications from that merchant to you outside of Google Pay. To discontinue a Loyalty Program completely, you must contact the specific merchant directly.

(b) GPC does not guarantee the security of a third party merchant's Offers, rewards, Loyalty Program or gift card program, and does not guarantee that the merchant's systems will be error free, or that merchant systems will honor all Offers, rewards, and loyalty points, gift cards, or other stored or any stored items. GPC is not liable for errors or omissions from the merchant in the enrollment or administration of their Loyalty Programs, or in the purchase and redemption of closed loop gift cards, and is not liable for any third party merchant's security breaches that arise due to omissions or commissions within the merchant's systems or processes. GPC is also not liable to you for merchants who do not honor the value of a closed loop gift card, reward, Loyalty, or other redeemable item.

(c) You may add personal or other images to a Save to Google Pay Item using your device camera. Please use reasonable care and common sense in what you scan and store as images. GPC is not liable for user-added images to Save to Google Pay Items, including images which contain personally-identifiable or other sensitive information. GPC is not liable for errors resulting from scanning or storing of an image. Adding images that are unlawful, offensive, harmful, or otherwise objectionable may result in the suspension of your access to Google Pay, in GPC's sole discretion.

(d) Through Google Pay, a merchant may display as part of the Save to Google Pay feature the balances of gift cards, loyalty points, or other balances, to users who store such items into Google Pay. GPC is not liable for any errors or interruptions in the display of gift card or other balances or updates which are offered as a convenience to you, and GPC is not liable for any errors or interruptions in your use of Save to Google Pay.

(e) GPC may at any time choose to suspend indefinitely or terminate Save to Google Pay for any purpose.